Thursday 30 October 2008

'Que?' (Big up The Sun for today's splash)

Can't believe how inarticulate and ineffectual Mark Thompson is.

Just seen him being interviewed (by one of his employees, must have been a strange experience for her), and he waffled so much I actually had no idea what he was saying.

I think this will devastate Ross's career but Brand will rise from the ashes somehow. He seems crafty like that. He knows he has a huge young fan base who don't give a donkey's doo dah whether he made a lewd phone call or not. In fact, it may well have a kind of naughty appeal.

I don't like him but I admit he has charisma. It will interesting to see what happens next in Manuelgate.

Night campers

Sunday 26 October 2008

What is going on???

On Friday I ventured into Wilmslow with my girlfriends when lo and behold, I spotted three fellow journalists flaunting pockets full of cirus fruits.

Yes, this sounds weird. But that's what happened. One had a couple of oranges, one had a lemon and one had a lime. I prised said lime out of his hands and spent the rest of the night posing with it ala "I'm doing the tango, but there is a lime instead of a rose between my teeth'. It was great fun.

Apart from that, it's been a bit of a non-event this weekend. I have spent hours doing my politics homework, not quite sure why. It just dragged out.

Feeling slightly restless. Life at the moment is a corridor with a series of interesting doors on either side leading to even more interesting corridors. I feel like I'm walking past all these doors, not sure which one to go through. I'm learning more and more that there isn't a 'wrong' door to go's just that certain doors will lead to certain corridors, and certain outcomes. We have a certain amount of control but then, to throw something else into the mix, what's cosmic ordering all about? AAAAAgh...

Aidan. I know you're the only person who reads this blog. So please try and answer some of my questions. I need to get more people involved but not sure how! grrrr this blog stuff is hurting my head. Night everyone x

Friday 17 October 2008

It's a sorry situation tonight folks...

It's Friday night, and I've had a fab time listening to Pat Brand's melodious voice on the Teeline audio tracks.

I am such a sad Moomin. Whatever happened to the Moomins by the way? They were mint!

Yes people. I have STAYED IN tonight. I too was shocked.

But my reasoning is: I am teaching tomorrow which is no fun when you're wrecked.

That's my job. Pretty sweet. Ive danced since I was three and when I was 15 started training for my teaching qualifications, all of which I passed a couple of years ago.

So every Saturday I teach kids ranging in age from two and a half to 11 years old (best birth control ever...I come away thinking I am never going to be able to cope with stuff like that full time).

I love it. Dancing is such a pivotal part of my life, teaching doesn't even feel like a job. Plus I get to work with some of my closest friends. We have so much fun. But try explaining a broken down shuffle to a little tot who doesnt even look like she's been out of nappies that long. Cute but trying.

I always have a sleep after teaching because it's mental. It's a cross between being a kids TV presenter (you have to be happy and upbeat all the time), and how I imagine an LSD trip to be.

For example: with the baby class we pretend to paint rainbows after the rain clouds have gone. This is all to twiddly classical piano music. Sometimes me and the other teachers catch ourselves and just go oh my god. This is how we spend our Saturdays. This is mint!

The little girls are adorable, decked out in their finest fairy outfits. The job is so uplifting, because the pure joyful innocence when they're pretending to be fairy princesses and stuff (I cast aside my qualms about gender stereotyping) is just beautiful to watch.

They completely lose themselves in the stories we tell them and the parents love seeing how caught up they get in it. In fact, sometimes, if we do scary stuff like Jack Frost icicle fingers some of the babies freak out and cry! Oops.

Can't wait actually. teaching always cheers me up. And the words 'credit' and 'crunch' are never mentioned. Bliss.

And tomorrow night, I'm out on the tiles with my girls for a much needed night of decadent debauchery. Again, for this purpose, the 'r' word does not exist. But Sambuca and Tequila do! Sweeeeet!

er, bye

Wednesday 8 October 2008


I am very scared. I think this blogging business is a bit strange...aren't diaries supposed to be private?

But my good friend Aidan and other people on the digital media course are insisting that this is part of the future of journalism...multi platform, non linear, sharing, etc etc. so im being dragged into the 21st century kicking and screaming.

When I have something interesting to say maybe ill do another one. this wasnt so bad. aidan is sitting next to me in case i get complete learning disabilities when it comes to computers. 'not very pc', remarks aidan. i dont care.
