Sunday 26 October 2008

What is going on???

On Friday I ventured into Wilmslow with my girlfriends when lo and behold, I spotted three fellow journalists flaunting pockets full of cirus fruits.

Yes, this sounds weird. But that's what happened. One had a couple of oranges, one had a lemon and one had a lime. I prised said lime out of his hands and spent the rest of the night posing with it ala "I'm doing the tango, but there is a lime instead of a rose between my teeth'. It was great fun.

Apart from that, it's been a bit of a non-event this weekend. I have spent hours doing my politics homework, not quite sure why. It just dragged out.

Feeling slightly restless. Life at the moment is a corridor with a series of interesting doors on either side leading to even more interesting corridors. I feel like I'm walking past all these doors, not sure which one to go through. I'm learning more and more that there isn't a 'wrong' door to go's just that certain doors will lead to certain corridors, and certain outcomes. We have a certain amount of control but then, to throw something else into the mix, what's cosmic ordering all about? AAAAAgh...

Aidan. I know you're the only person who reads this blog. So please try and answer some of my questions. I need to get more people involved but not sure how! grrrr this blog stuff is hurting my head. Night everyone x

1 comment:

Aidan said...

don't talk about cosmic order. it makes you sound like a right ponthola.